
User Interface and Science Keywords

Robert Katz

August 4, 2009


Category: Science

Keyword Formats

Described Results

Food and Nutrition

N Units GenericFoodName

i.e.: 2 Slices Swiss Cheese


N Count BrandName

i.e.: 10 Peanut M&Ms

What you input, Average Food Information in Nutritional Label Format and Percentages of Vitamins and Minerals; Average daily value ranking; Average highest nutrients compared to other foods; Calories; Carbohydrates, Protein, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals, Sterols, Physical Food Properties


Amount of a particular nutrient in a food with preparation keyword replacements

i.e.: Vitamin A in 250g sweet potato

Average Result; Comparison to Reference Daily Intake (RDA, DRI [M/F] ) ; Ranking among common foods; Average Food Information in Nutritional Label Format and Percentages of Vitamins and Minerals;   Calories; Carbohydrates, Protein, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals, Sterols, Physical Food Properties


Computations with Nutrient Levels:


i.e. calories in 1 bowl of corn flakes + a glass of OJ

Input, Unit Result, Average Food Information in Nutritional Label Format and percentages of Vitamins and minerals


Dietary References [Intakes] (DRI):

i.e. DRI Vitamin C

i.e. DRI Zinc

Input, Unit Result, Unit Conversions

Health and Medicine

Human Body Measurements

(age, age group, gender modifiers)

i.e. human, 6ft 2in, 250lb

Input, (M/F) Body characteristics (BMI, ideal body weight, fat mass, lean body mass); Basal metabolic rate; Body Fluids (water, blood, plasma); Typical organ properties (heart, lung)


Growth Charts

i.e. growth chart female, 10yr, 4'11'', 65lb

Input, Height information, percentile, projected adult height, fraction of adult height, chart; Height Distribution for age chart; Weight information and Chart; Weight Distribution For age chart; BMI information and Distribution for age chart


Physical Exercise: Compute Calories burned in exercise:

i.e. running 30min, 6min/mi, 28yo female, 5'6", 135lb

(Slope, Elevation angle also)

Input, Energy expenditure, physiological measurement (maximum heart rate); speed, pace, distance, time equivalents; Race predictions


Physical Exercise: Compute maximum and target heart rates: i.e. heart rate 50yo male, resting hr=60bpm

Input, Maximum, target heart rate, rate increase (M/F) with age/rate intensity graphs


Blood alcohol content;

Diseases Risk; ICD-9 code diagnoses

Mortality data;

Medical test data and test results;

Medical computations;

Visual acuity;

Drugs (Brand name and generic);  Drug interactions;

Public Health Statistics;

Hospital information and comparisons

Input, Results with charts when appropriate

Life Sciences

Animal and plants information; comparing multiple species; Paleontology;

Genomics and Molecular Biology (DNA base sequences, gene analysis and chromosome location, protein analysis

Input, Results with 2D and 3D charts when appropriate

Earth Sciences

Geology, Asthenosphere, mineral information;

Geodesy; Earthquakes Information; Tides; Atmospheric Sciences and Cloud Classifications

Input, Results with 2D and 3D charts when appropriate


Chemical Elements (Comparisons, computations using chemical properties); Compounds; Ions; Chemical Quantitites; Solutions; Thermodynamics, Formulas and 3D Structure

Input, Results with 2D and 3D charts when appropriate