vi: Line Positioning commands

1. Suppose we have a line of text consisting of the following, and
we are in vi command mode, and current cursor location is noted as ^  
Each of the vi navigation or changes to input mode are shown numerically 
(see table below) and the cursor moves to that location:

		 3	   16
line before:     zzzz zzzzzz

		 2		       13 14		    15
text line:	 zzzzzz zzz zzzzzz zzz zzzzzz zzzzz zzzzzzzzz
		 1      5   6           7^8 9 10    11      12

line after:	 z zzz zz zzzz
		 4	     17

	Action					Result
        ------					------
1 type ^ or 0					Cursor moves to 1st 
						character of current line

2 type I and change to input mode		Cursor moves to 1st
						character of current line
						and mode changes to input

3. type - 					Cursor moves to 1st
						character of previous line

4. type + or Enter 				Cursor moves to 1st
						character of next line

5. type 2b					Cursor moves to the left 
						to the 1st character of the
						word, twice

6. type b					Cursor moves to the left 
						to the 1st character of the

7. type h or backspace			        Cursor moves to the left 
						1 character 

8. type l or spacebar				Cursor moves to the right 
						1 character

9. type e					Cursor moves to the right 
						to the last character of the

10. type w					Cursor moves to the right 
						to the 1st character of the
						next word

11. type 2w					Cursor moves to the right 
						to the 1st character of the
						next word, twice

12. type $					Cursor moves to the right 
						to the last character on the 							line

13. type i					Cursor moves to the left 
						1 character and mode
						changes to input

14. type a					Cursor moves to the right 
						1 character and mode
 						changes to input

15. type A					Cursor moves to the right 
						to the last character on the
						line and mode changes to

16. type k					Cursor moves up to 
						previous line same column
						position or if line shorter
						to last character on previous

17. type j					Cursor moves down to
						next line same column
						position or if line shorter 
						to last character on next

Questions? Robert Katz:
Last Update July 5, 2015