Tutorial #9 - Basic Pipes and Filters

1. Log on to UNIX if needed.

2. Use tee to send a long listing of your home directory to 

keep.home .  Generate another extended listing and append it to 

the same file.  Examine keep.home on the screen.

3.Create a long listing on the screen and pipe it to the printer.

4. Use sort to arrange four or five words you type at the keyboard 

in order on the screen.  Try it again to produce a sorted file of six 

or seven names; call it sort.names.  Examine sort.names on the 


5. Sort keep.home to the screen.  Notice that it is sorted by the 

entire line, beginning with the access permissions, rather than by 

the file names.  Sort it again by file name and store the result in 


6.Use cat > forsorting to create a file containing these lines:

8   Michael McMahan
12   Charles Martin
9   Rachael Ashcroft
6   Julie Ferndale
4     (any name)
10    (any name)

7.Sort forsorting to the screen.  Note that the lines that start with 

10 and 12 are first, before the one that starts with 4; this is ASCII 

sequencing order.  Save this file; you'll use it again in the next 


If it doesn't work:

A. If you have trouble with tee, try a simple example, such as 
ls | tee hold.dir  to see if it works (Use cat hold.dir to see the 

B. Try accomplishing the effect with a series of separate commands 
and simple redirection; remember to use < for input and > for 

Questions? Robert Katz:rkatz@ned.highline.edu
Last Update July 16, 2002