Tutorial #1 UNIX Commands: Logging in and out

1. Get the login prompt.

2. Type your userid. (Your first, middle, last initials followed by z215)

3. When you see the password prompt, type your password.

4. Notice the resulting prompt; Do you use the Bourne, C or Korn shell?

5. Type your userid as a command on the command line, and then press Return.
   Read the error message and the shell prompt.

6. Now log off to restore the login prompt.

If it doesn't work:

A.  If you see the Login incorrect  message, enter your userid and password 
again.  If it still doesn't work, see your System administrator or instructor 
to verify the values.

B. If your prompt isn't $ (Bourne or Korn) and doesn't end in % (C Shell), 
check with your System administrator or instructor so you know which of the 
shells yours is running.

C. If you have trouble logging off, try the command exit if you have a 
$ prompt, or logout if you have a % prompt .

Questions? Robert Katz:rkatz@ned.highline.ctc.edu
Last Update June 26, 2001