Tutorial #3 - write: Using real-time Communication

1. Log on to Unix, if necessary, and handle any mail

2. Check what other users are logged on.  Do you know any of 

them?  Are any of them in this class?

3. Check whether you can receive messages or not.  Set it so you 

can receive them if necessary.

The rest of this tutorial requires you to arrange to communicate 
with another logged in user.  Alternatively, if you can log in either 
at two adjacent terminals or create two telnet windows, you can 
write to yourself at the other terminal or window.  The tutorial will 
refer to the 2nd user as CLASSMATE.

4a. Send a message to CLASSMATE asking if he or she has a 

moment.  Use (o) as the last line of your message.  Wait for a 


4b. CLASSMATE should use write at his or her own terminal and 

send you a short answer, followed by (o) on the last line, then 


5.a. Respond by typing a two line answer, followed by (o) on the 

next line.  While you wait for a response, try typing !date to see 

the result.

5b. CLASSMATE should type a line or two, following it with (o) on 

the last line, then wait.

6a.Type "Good bye, now. I am ending the session." followed by (oo) 

on the last line. Then press return again and press ^D.

6b. CLASSMATE should see the message you sent, followed by a 

message such as EOF or EOT or end of message on the screen.  He 

or she should press ^D to end their part of the dialogue.

7. Try another conversation if you want using talk rather than write.

If it doesn't work:

A. If you get the message "permission denied" when you use the write 
command, send mail to that other user asking him or her to to use the 
mesg y command to allow messages to their screen.

B. If you get strange messages on your screen after you have the shell 
prompt again, use write again to remind CLASSMATE to press ^C to sign off.

Questions? Robert Katz:rkatz@ned.highline.edu
Last Update July 9, 2002