8.7 Supporting Tools

IX. Supporting Tools

*1. talk: The form of the command is talk userid@host.domain .  
This command lets you connect your computer to someone else's (on the internet)
and type messages back and forth.
* You see what the other person types as the keys are pressed.
* You can talk locally or long distance via the internet
* Both your screen and your recipient's are split so you can see both parts of 
the 'conversation'.  Also both parties can simultaneously type in their screen 
* When talk is invoked, the talk daemon checks for the user being logged in and
then sends a request for a connection every 10 seconds.  You may give up by 
typing <Ctrl-C>.
* If you receive a talk request, enter the command as written exactly.
* When "talking", if you make a mistake, you can backspace, but more efficient 
is to type <Ctrl-W> and <Ctrl-U> to delete a full word or the current line.
* Either person can terminate the conversation by typing <Ctrl-C>. However, 
you should say goodbye in print and await acknowledgement before exiting.
* talk is informal. It's okay to express all of your misspellings without 
* refuse to talk by typing on your UNIX command line mesg n (mesg y permits 
messages to be sent to your terminal)

*1.1 other talk related programs: 
* ytalk (multi-way and conferences) .  Specify ytalk userid@host.domain ...
	- Screen splits into n partitions with userid name identified. 
	- Compatible with talk (although talk is limited to two way).
* Internet as a telephone:
	- Speak_freely V6.0 for UNIX and windows (John Walker, Autodesk)
		permits voicemail, multicasting, encryption, and excellent 
		sound quality.
		Its compression requires 486 or better and will work with 
		14.4 kbps modems at minimum.  Software compatible with 
		VAT/RTP standard. WWW compatible
		Platforms: Windows 3.1, 386 Enhanced mode, Winsock, 14.4 kbps+ 
		More information: 
	- Cyberphone (platforms: Sun, SunOS or Solaris,  Linux 1.2.8+ on 386+,
	        and X windows) More information: http://magenta.com/cyberphone/

*2. Internet Relay Chat (irc):
* Designed as a replacement for talk  (written by Jarkko Oikarinen, 
	Finland) in 1988.
* A multi-user chat system where users convene on "channels" [virtual places 
	with a topic of conversation] to talk in groups or privately.
	The command at the prompt is: IRCNAME=<nickname> irc <your nickname>
* Primer: anonymous ftp cs-ftp.bu.edu (cd /irc/support, get IRCprimer.1.1.txt)
	cs-ftp.bu.edu:/irc/support/alt-irc-faq  or  http://www.kei/com/irc.html
	* Command list:
	/quit				quit irc
	/help				show a list of all irc commands
	/help command			show help about <cmd>
	/list [-min m] [-max n]		display information about all
 					channels having at least m and
 					at most n people
	/list #channelname		display information about that
	/who * [channel]		show who is joined to the current
 					[specified] channel
	/whois * [nickname]		show all information about all or
 					[specified] person
	/whowas				show information about who
 					used your nickname last
	/flush				discard remaining output for
 					current command
	/join #channelname		connect to specified channel
	/leave #channelname		disconnect to specified channel
	/msg <nickname>  message	send a private message to
 					specified people
	/msg , message			reply to a message to last one
 					who sent you one
	/msg .  message			send again a message to last one 						you sent one to
	/msg nickserv@service.de intro	Information to register
 					your nickname
	/me action			display the specified action
	/mode +pi			make current channel completely
	/nick [nickname]		show your current or revised
	/query nicknames		send subsequent messages to
 					specified people
	/query 				Stop sending private messages
	/set novice off 		Permit actions like joining
 					multiple channels

*3. Gopher Provides a menu based access to Internet file resources.  It is 
designed primarily as a distributed document delivery system.  Documents or 
services may reside on the remote Internet host.  The Gopher menu system 
abstracts this detail and creates the illusion of local access.  

The InterNIC Directory and Database Services collection of Directory of 
Directory listings, Internet Documents (RFCs, FYIs, STDs, Internet Drafts  
and Publically accessible Databases are available and searchable via Gopher.
Gateways to White pages services exist in gopher.  Access via gopher 
internic.net:70 or telnet ds.internic.net and login as "gopher", no 
password required.

		Command list:
		Basic Commands:
		Q			quit Gopher immediately
		q			quit Gopher, but ask for confirmation
		?			display a help summary
		=			display technical information about 
					an item
		O			examine and change Gopher options

		Navigation Commands:
		RIGHT		select the current item (arrow keys)
		LEFT		back up one level to the previous menu
		UP		move the pointer up one item
		DOWN		move the pointer down one item
		SPACE		move to the next page of the menu
		b		move back to the previous page of the menu
		number		jump to and select specified item
		/pattern	search for the next menu item
 				containing pattern
		n		search for the next menu item using
 				same pattern
		m		jump to the main menu

		Saving Information	
		s			save the current item to a file
		D			download the current item to a file

		Using Bookmarks	
		a			Add current item to the bookmark list
		A			Add current menu or search to the
 					bookmark list
		d			delete a bookmark
		v			jump to the bookmark list (view it)

	Veronica is a Gopher based resource to search all gopherspace for all 
the menu items  that contain specified words.  Once selected, use add it 
(a) to your bookmarks and after type view (v) to show this list containing 
Veronica.  The underlying veronica server is similar to the archie server, 
where all known gopher menus are stored in a database.

	Jughead is a Gopher based resource to search a limited area set of 
gophers (e.g. campus).  It is much faster than Veronica once the server is 
set up.

*4. Wais: Wide Area Information Server is a client server application 
(developed by Thinking Machines, Inc. and others).  It searches indexed 
text files stored on the server, which is registered at the central WAIS 
server at quake.think.com.  Access is via local WAIS clients available via 
telnet.  telnet to ds.internic.net and login as user "wais".  No password 
required.  Tutorials and help information are available for all commands.
WAIS source summary: anonymous ftp archive.orst.edu, 
get /pub/doc/wais/src-list.txt
	Basic Command list
		h	?		Display Summary of commands
		q			Quit Wais
		DOWN  j  <Ctrl-N>	move down one line
		UP    k  <Ctrl-P>	move up one line
		number			jump to specified line number
		/pattern		jump to source that begins with
					specified pattern
		J	<Ctrl-D>	move down next screenful
		K	<Ctrl-U>	move up to previous screenful
	Selecting a source	
		SPACE			select or unselect a source
		=			unselect all sources
		<CR> or Enter		ask for new keyword after source
		r			redisplay results of previous search
		v			view technical information about
	Performing a Search	
		<CR> or Enter		Start a search after entering key
		<CR> or Enter		Display item while examining
 					results of a search
		w			ask for new key words
		s			redisplay the source screen
	Reading an Article	
		SPACE			display next screenful
		q			stop reading article [quit]
5. Archie:
	The archie system, developed by Bunyip Information systems, Inc. 
searches the archie internet FTP archive directory structure.  Archie is 
available via telnet to ds.internic.net and login as user "archie", no 
password required.  Electronic mail access is also available:
send mail to archie@ds.internic.net and include the command HELP in the body
of the message to get instructions.  

Archie Server Commands

Stopping the Archie Server
	quit				Stop the Archie session and disconnect

Performing a Search
	find pattern			Search the main Anonymous FTP database	
	whatis pattern			Search the Software Description database	
Displaying Information
	help ?				Display a list of commands	
	help command			Display help for this command	
	help set variable		Display help for this variable	
	manpage				Display the archie man page	
	motd				Redisplay the message of the day	
	servers				Display the list of archie servers	
	version				Display the archie version running

Mailing Information
	set mailto address		Specify a mail address
	mail [address]			mail output

Displaying Variable Settings
	show				Display the value of all variables
	show variable			Display the value of this variable

Setting General Variables
	set autologout minutes		set maximum idle time before autologout
	set maxhits number		set maximum number of items to find
	set pager number		display output using paging program
	unset pager			do not display output using paging 
	set status			display status line during search
	unset status			do not display status line during search

Setting Output Preferences
	set output_format {verbose, terse, machine} display output using 
				long, short, machine format
	set sortby {none, filename, hostname, size, time, rfilename, rhostname,
				rsize, rtime}	Do sort in given sortorder
  						[r = reverse]

Setting Search Preferences
	set search { exact, sub
			subcase, regex,
			exact_regex}		Search exactly, in [case
 						sensitive] pattern, for
						regular expression, first
 						exact then looser.

Questions? Robert Katz: katz@ned.highline.edu
Last Update December 7, 1999