3.4 A Permissions Exercise

[Mail your answers to rkatz@ned.highline.edu]

1. Suppose Directory Permissions are:   drwxr-x--x
   and File1 is in this directory and
		File1 permissions are:  -rw-rw-r--

What can each category of user do? (put an y where permitted)

owner:	____modify    ____delete    ____read    ____execute

group:	____modify    ____delete    ____read    ____execute

other:	____modify    ____delete    ____read    ____execute

2. Suppose Directory Permissions are:    drwxr-x--x
   and File2 is in this directory and
		File2 permissions are:   -rwxr-xr-x

What can each category of user do? (put an y where permitted)

owner:	____modify    ____delete    ____read    ____execute

group:	____modify    ____delete    ____read    ____execute

other:	____modify    ____delete    ____read    ____execute

3. Suppose Directory Permissions are:    drwxrwxr-x
   and File3 is in this directory and
		File3 permissions are:   -rwxr-xr-x

What can each category of user do? (put an y where permitted)

owner:	____modify    ____delete    ____read    ____execute

group:	____modify    ____delete    ____read    ____execute

other:	____modify    ____delete    ____read    ____execute

Questions? Robert Katz: rkatz@ned.highline.edu
Last Update October 15, 2003