3. Variables

1.  Consider the code below. Predict what will be printed.  Assume that
$boiling and $freezing have been set to 212 and 32 respectively.  Test
the code by running it.
(a) $ perl -e '$boiling = 212; print qq{Boiling temperature in Fahrenheit: $boiling\n};'
(b) $ perl -e '$freezing = 32; print q{Freezing temperature in Fahrenheit: $freezing\n};'
(c)  $ perl -e '$freezing = 32; $boiling = 212; print qq{Liquid range for water: in
 Fahrenheit: $freezing - $boiling\n};'
(d) $ perl -e '$freezing = 32; $boiling = 212; print q{range: $boiling - $freezing: }, 
$boiling - $freezing, "\n";'

2.What is the output when this script called vars1.pl is run?
#! /usr/bin/perl
$USAGE = 'USAGE: vars1.pl'

$num1, $num2, $num3;
$num1 = 2;
$num2 = 4; 
$num3 = 8;

($n4, $n5, $n6) = (16, 32, 64);

print '$num1 is: ', $num1, "\n";
print '$num2 is: ', $num2, "\n";
print "\$num3 is: $num3\n";

printf "%8s %8s %8s\n", '$n4', '$n5', '$n6';
printf "%8d %8d %8d\n", $n4, $n5, $n6;
# END OF vars1.pl

3. Write an Address book program called phone.pl that assigns values to 
variables called namesi (1<= i <= 4), addressi (1<= i <= 4), and phonei  
(1<= i <= 4).  Assign values to these variables within the program. 
Output the 4 address book entries (name, address, phone) as a table, 
with headers: name, address, phone.

4. Modify the phone.pl program to accept the information interactively 
input to the program.

5. Modify the phone.pl program to accept the information as a file 
input to the program.

6. Predict the successive values of $val for the following expression sequence:
	$val = 5 * 7 + 3 * 3;
	$val += 10 ** 2;
	$val /= 42 % 15
7, Write a program where you place each of the following values into a 
variable and then print the value both in a numeric and a string context 
to observe the results.
8. Consider the program context1.pl.  What will be the output when this 
program is run?
#! /usr/bin/perl
$USAGE = 'USAGE: context1.pl';

$v1 = 100;
$v2 = 80;
$r1 = $v1 + $v2; print "$r1 \n"; 	
$r2 = $v1 . $v2; print "$r2 \n";

$name = bob;
$r3 = $v1 + $name; print "$r3 \n"; 
$r4 = $v1 . $name; print "$r4 \n";

$number = "800-555-1212";
$r5 = $v1 . $number; print "$r5 \n"; 
$r6 = $v1 + $number; print "$r6 \n";
# END OF context1.pl

9.  Run the context1.pl program using perl -w.  What is the output and what are
the differences between the two ways of running the program?

10. Consider the program svars.pl.  Run this program and observe the results.
#! /usr/bin/perl
$USAGE = 'USAGE: svars.pl';

print "Hello, this file name is: $0\n";
print "My process id is: $$\n";

# run an external command
system ("date");
print "date command yeilded $?\n";

# run a command that should fail
system ("tail bogusfilename"); 
print "tail command yeilded $?\n";

print BOGUSFILEHANDLE "important information\n";
print "Writing to bogus filehandle; Error string is set to [$!]\n";
# END OF svars.pl

What are the meanings of each output line? What are the STDERR outputs?

11. Run the following program called errmesg.pl and observe the output.
#! /usr/bin/perl
$USAGE = 'USAGE: errmesg.pl';

print "This is regular program output\n";
print STDERR "$0: Error - This is simulated error output!\n";
print "The program is designed to produce two lines of output.\n";
#END OF errmesg.pl

12. Run errmesg.pl in the following way: errmesg.pl > junkfile
What is output to the screen. Where happened to the STDOUT?


1. The qx...x and qqx...x are called literal quoting operators applied to 
strings (q for single quotes; qq for double quotes), x can take on any 
(paired) character that is not in the string, such as ( ), { }, [ ], #, /, in 
order to delimit the string to be quoted.

2. For interactive input, use  assigned to a variable and be 
sure to provide instructions  so the user knows what to type in.

3. For string context, concatenate the variable with the null string; For 
numerical context, add 0 to the variable.

4. Like the shell, $0 represents the command word on the command line, 
$$ represents the current process id of the program that is running, 
$? represents the status of the command (0 = successful, non-zero = 
non-sucessful), $! represents the error message that perl provides 
associated with a system or run time error.

Questions about the questions? Send mail to Robert Katz: rkatz@ned.highline.ctc.edu
Last Update January 12, 2002