Perl V5.0 Introduction Part 2

Link Description Commands Used
Lists and Array Variables Relation between lists and Array Variables array list
@A = (i, j, k);
Access Array Elements Array Subscripts and Scalar Variables $A[i], -n<=i<=n
Brackets Brackets with Array Variables ${array}[0]
$array" . "[0]
List Range Operator Using the List range operator with Array Variables (a..z);
Copying Arrays Making a copy of an Array @A2 = @A1 = (1, 2, 3);
Assigning Scalars Assigning Scalar variables from Array Elements ($1, $v2, $v3) = @A;
List extents List Length and List Maximum Subscript Length: $v = @A;
Max Subscript: $v = $#A;
Array Slices Extracting subsets of Array Elements @slice = @A[1,2,3];
Slice Ranges List Range operator in Array Slices @A[0..4] means
Overlapping Slices Using Array slices on either side of = @A[1, 2] = @A[2, 3];
Slice Notation Slice Notation possibilities @A[1, 2] = @A[2, 1];
Reading <STDIN> Arrays and <STDIN> @A = <STDIN>;
Functions Functions used with Arrays sort(), reverse(),
chop(), chomp(),
join(), split()

Debugging 1 Debugging Exercise  
File System Access Opening, processing and closing files open(), close(), die()
File Test Operators File Test Operator list form: -x expression
Global Variables Global Variables for output $, $\ $"

31. Lists and Array Variables
	o A list is a sequence of scalar values enclosed in parentheses.
	e.g. (1, 5.3, "hello", 2)  contains 4 elements, each of which is a 
	scalar value.  The empty list is denoted (). Note that 43.2 and
	(43.2) are different: the first is a scalar and the 2nd is a list.

	o A scalar variable, $var, can always be included as part of the 
	list.  Suppose $var = 26, then the list (17, $var, "string") is 
	evaluated as (17,26,"string").

	o The value of an expression can also be an element of a list.
	(17, $var<<2) becomes (17, 104). (17, $var1+$var2) becomes
	(17, 0) when $var1 = -26.

	oString Substitution: Since Character strings are scalar values, 
		they can be used in lists and scalar variable names may be 	
		substituted for in character strings in lists.
	($var, "The answer is $var") becomes (26, The answer is 26)

	o You may store lists in special variables called array variables.
	@array = (1,2,3);      {@ is the designation for the array variable.}
	variable naming:@ then 2nd character is a letter, others are 
		letters, digits or underscore. all other characters are illegal.

	legal array variable names:	illegal array variable names
	@my_array				@1array
	@list2					@_array
	o Note that scalar variable names ($var) are in a different name
	 	space than array variables (@var).

32. Accessing Array Variable elements:
	o Use subscripts (zero based) to access array variable elements:
	$scalar = $array[0];		# first element of array called array
					# Note: $array[0] is a scalar, hence $ not @
	@array = (1, 2, 3, 4);
	$array[3] = 5;
	print ("array values are: " @array);
	# output is:
	array values are: 1 2 3 5

	o The Rule: Things that reference one value (scalar variables and
	array elements) must start with a $.

	o @array = (1, 2, 3, 4); 
	   $scalar1 = $array[4];
	   $scalar2 = $array[-1];		# last element is assigned
	   print ($scalar1, "\t");
	   print ($scalar2);
	# output is null string for each:
	o There is no bounds checking:
	   @array = (1, 2, 3, 4);
	   $index = 4;
	   $scalar = $array[$index]
	# output is null definition of scalar and no error message.

33. Examples:
$ cat program12.perl
#! /usr/bin/perl
# a program that prints the elements of a list
@array = (1, "Chicken", 1.23, "\"Having fun?\"", 9.33e+23);
$count = 1;
while ( $count <= 5 ) {
	print ("Element $count is $array[$count-1]\n");
$ program12.perl
Element 1 is 1
Element 2 is Chicken
Element 3 is 1.23
Element 4 is "Having fun?"
Element 5 is 0.3300000000000005+e23
$ cat program13.perl
#! /usr/bin/perl
# a program that generates random integers between 1 and 10
# produce the random numbers and save
$count = 1;
while ( $count <= 100) {
	$randnum = int ( rand(10) ) + 1;	#rand outputs floating values
							# between 0 and 1; then 								# multiplies it by 10. int
							# truncates the result to be 0-9
	$randtotal[$randnum] += 1;	# $randtotal is initially "" then
							# converted to 0 to get updated 							# by 1
# output the total of each number
$count = 1;
print ("Total for each number: \n");
while ( $count <= 10 ) {
	print ("\t number $count: $randtotal[$count]\n");
$ program13.perl
Total for each number: 
	number 1: 11
	number 2: 8
	number 3: 13
	number 4: 6
	number 5: 10
	number 6: 9
	number 7: 12
	number 8: 11
	number 9: 11
	number 10: 9

34. Using Brackets as Brackets with arrays
	When both @array and $array are defined and you wish to print 	$array[0] and not the array's first element, then specify:
		"${array}[0]"	"$array\[0]"	or    "$array" . "[0]"
	context is array		\[ not 1st element	. is concatenation 										operator
	Note that "$\{var}" contains the text ${var} explicitly

35. The List Range Operator ..

	o (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) is equivalent to (1..10) using the list 	range operator ..
	Other usages:
	(1, 5..7, 10) becomes (1, 5, 6, 7, 10)
	(2.1..5.3) becomes (2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1)
	(4.5..1.6) becomes () since ascending order of operands required
	(3..3) becomes (3)
	$var1 = 7;
	$ var2 = 4;
	($var1..$var2+5) becomes (7,8,9)

	o Example:
$ cat program14.perl
# A program that uses list ranges to print a list of numbers
print ("Enter the starting number:\n");
$start = <STDIN>;
print ("Enter the ending number:\n");
$end = <STDIN>;
@list = ($start..$end);
print ("Here is the list:\n");
while ($list[$count] != 0 || $list[$count-1] == -1 || 
	$list[$count+1] == 1) {
	print ("$list[$count]\n");
$ program14.perl
Enter the starting number:
Enter the ending number:
Here is the list:

35. Copying arrays

The list stored in @array1 is copied to the array variable @array2.  
Each element of the 1st array is the same as the corresponding element 
of the 2nd array.

@array2 = @array1		# @array1 elements already defined

@array2 = @array1 = (1, 2, 3);

@list1 = (2, 3, 4);
@list2 = (1, @list1, 5);		# meaning (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

$ cat program 15.perl
# A program that assigns a list as part of another list
@lotus = (1, 2, 3);
@innerlist = " never ";
@outerlist = ("I", @innerlist, "fail!\n");
print (@outerlist "\n");
print (@lotus "\n");
print ("@lotus", "\n");			# print "@lotus"; also works without ()
$ program 15.perl
I never fail!
1 2 3

36. Assigning Scalars from Array variables

@array = ($var1, $var2);
($var3, $var4, $var5) = @array;
print ("$var3", "$var5", "$var4");
# output is: 7 5 and $var5 is null string

($var3, $var4) = (7, 5, 3);	# assigns multiple scalar variables via a list
			# the third element of the list, 3, remains unassigned.

37. Retrieving the length of a list

@array = (7, 5, 1);
$scalar = @array;
#output is the number of elements or length (3) of a list.

Note that the following have different effects:
$scalar = @array;	# $scalar = 3
($scalar) = @array; 	# ($scalar) = (7)
$scalar = (7, 5, 1);	# $scalar = 1	3 scalars separated by comma op.
				# so $scalar = 7, then = 5, finally = 1)
Another Note: You can get the highest subscript of an array using the following
notation: @a = (1,2,3);		$#a will output the subscript of the highest element of array @a
This is the same as the total number of elements of the array minus one, since 0 based 
subscripting is used.

For Example: $ perl -e '@a = (1, 2, 3); $a[6] = 7; $c = @a; $b = $#a; print "$c $b \n";'
					   7 6
Example: Print the contents of an array

@array = (a..z);
$i = 0;
while ($I <= $#array) {
	print $array[$i++], "\n";

If you deliberately modify the value of $#array to be:
larger than actual: implies the added elements are all undefined;
smaller than actual implies that the truncated elements are discarded;
Scalar Context - The Rule: For $numelements = @arrayname; 
The left side has a scalar variable, so the assignment is operating in a scalar context
thus the array representing the list evaluates to the number of elements in the array,
a single value.

Boolean Context - The Rule: Lists that have any elements, including 
undefined elements, are considered true in a Boolean Context. An empty list 
is considered false.  

Scalars in a Boolean context are true if non-zero and false if zero, null, 
or undefined.

Functions and Parentheses - The Rule. Functions also operate with their 
arguments evaluated in context.  If you supply a parenthesized set of arguments to
that function, the evaluation is straightforward based on the argument given.
If you supply a comma separated set of arguments, without parentheses, Perl builds
a list from those arguments.  But which is safer?
	print 4 + 5, 6, 'foo';
	print (4 + 5), 6, 'foo';
	print ((4 + 5), 6, 'foo');

o The scalar() function

To force a list to be evaluated in a scalar context, use the scalar function. Compare:
	print @num;
	print scalar(@num);
The print statement evaluates its arguments in a list context by default.

$ cat program16.perl
# A program that prints every element of an array
@array = (14, "cheeseburger", 1.23, -7 "I give up");
$count = 1;
while ($count <= @array) {			# @array means its length
	print ("Element $count: $array[$count - 1]\n");
$ program16.perl
Element 1: 14
Element 2: cheeseburger
Element 3: 1.23
Element 4: -7
Element 5: I give up

38. Using Array Slices

@array = (7, 5, 3);
$array[3] = 1;
@subarray = @array[2,3];		# 3rd, 4th elements of @array
						# @array[2,3] is an array slice
@slice = @array[1,2,3];		# array assignment references get @
$slice = $array[0];			# scalar assignment references get $

$ cat program17.perl
# A program that prints every element of an array
@array = (14, "cheeseburger", 1.23, -7 "I give up");
@subarray = @array[1,2];
print ("The first element of subarray is $subarray[0]\n");
print ("The 2nd element of subarray is $subarray[1]\n");
$ program17.perl
The first element of subarray is cheeseburger
The 2nd element of subarray is 1.23

39. Using list ranges in Array Slice subscripts

@array[0, 1, 2, 3, 4] can be written as @array[0..4] using ..

when $endrange = 4;
@subarray = @array[0..$endrange];	# variables work in subscripts

$ cat program18.perl
# A program that uses an array variable as an array slice subscript
@array = (14, "cheeseburger", 1.23, -7 "I give up", 0);
@range = (1, 2, 3);
@subarray = @array(@range);
print ("The array slice is @subarray\n");	# "@subarray" -> contents
						# @subarray -> concatenated contents
$ program18.perl
The array slice is cheeseburger 1.23 -7

You can assign to array slices via:

@array[0,1] = ("string", 46);
@array[0..3] = (1, 2, 3, 4);
$beginrange = 0;
$endrange = 5;
@array[$beginrange..$endrange] = (1, 2, 3, 4);	# @array[5] = ""
$endrange = 2;
@array[$beginrange..$endrange] = (1, 2, 3, 4);	# last list item ignored

$ cat program19.perl
# A program that assigns to an array slice
@array = ("old1", "old2", "old3", "old4");
@array[1,2] = ("new1", "new2");
print ("The array contents is @array\n");
$ program19.perl
The array contents is old1 new1 new2 old4

40. Overlapping Array Slices

You can use array slices on either side of an assignment statement
@newarray = @array[2, 3, 4];
@array[2, 3, 4] = @newarray;

This allows array slices to be assigned to each other, even if they overlap.

@array[1, 2, 3] = @array[2, 3, 4];		# since the list is stored in 
						# memory during the assignment

e.g. 	@array = ("one", "two", "three", "four", "five");
	@array[1, 2, 3] = @array[2, 3, 4];
	print ("@array\n");
	# output is:
	one three four five five

Note that mismatched lengths are handled as above (empty ignorance)

e.g.	@array[0..2] = @array[3, 4];
	The value of the array is now:
	("four", "five", "", "four", "five")

41. Array Slice notation

In perl, there is no difference between an array slice and a list containing consecutive elements of the same array. Thus
@subarray = @array[0, 1];
@subarray = ($array[0], $array[1]);

So you can refer to any elements of an array in any order. e.g.:
@subarray = ($array[4], $array[1], $array[3]);
@subarray = @array[4, 1, 3];
@subarray = @array[0, 0, 0];	# yeilds first element 3 times
@array[1, 2] = @array[2, 1];	# swap elements 2 and 3

$ cat program20.perl
# A program that sorts an array
print ("Enter the array to sort, one item at a time.\n");
print ("Enter an empty line to quit.\n");
$count = 1;
$inputline = <STDIN>;
chop ($inputline);
while ( $inputline ne "" ) {
	@array[$count-1] = $inputline;
	$inputline = <STDIN>;
	chop ($inputline);
# Do the sorting
$count = 1;
while ( $count < @array ) {
	$x = 1;
	while ( $x < @array ) {
		if ($array[$x-1] gt $array[$x]) {
			@array[$x-1,$x] = @array[$x,$x-1];
print ("@array\n");
$ program20.perl
Enter the array to sort, one item at a time.
Enter an empty line to quit.

bar baz dip foo sty

A one liner using the sort function:
@array2 = sort(@array);
# This sorts (strings) alphabetically in ascending order.

42. Reading an Array from <STDIN>

$ cat program21.perl
# A program that reads data into an array and writes that array
@array = <STDIN>;
print (@array);
$ program21.perl
This is line 1
This is the second line
This is the last line
This is line 1
This is the second line
This is the last line

43. Array Library functions

o sort 	Sorting a list or Array variable
sortedlist = sort ( array );	# array and sortedlist are both arrays.

@array = ("this", "is", "a", "sentence");
@array2 = sort (@array);
print ("@array2");
# @array2 contains the sorted list: ("a", "is", "sentence", "this")
# output is the sorted list: a is sentence this

sort (@array); 	# doesn't do anything because it is not assigned

@array = (70, 100, 8);
@array2 = sort (@array);
# @array2 contains (100, 70, 8) in ascii order

The sort() function for ascii ascending ordered sorts uses the explicit ordering:
sort { $a cmp $b} @asciiarray;		# same as sort @asciiarray

For numerical ascending sorts, use the explicit ordering:
sort { $a <=> $b} @numarray;

o reverse	Reverses the order of elements of a list or array variable
reversedlist = reverse ( array ); # array and reversedlist are both arrays.

$ cat program22.perl
# A program that sorts in reverse order
@input = <STDIN>;
@input = reverse ( sort (@input)); 
  # alternatively:	@input = reverse sort (@input); is permitted
print (@input);
$ program22.perl

o chop and chomp revisited

chop removes the last character of each element of a list and returns
that character.

@list = ("rabbit", "12345", "quartz");
chop (@list);
# @list now contains ("rabbi", "1234", "quart")

Use chop on arrays generated from <STDIN>

chomp removes the line endings (newlines) from all elements of a list 
and returns the number of such removals.

@list = ("rabbit", "12345", "quartz");
# @list is unchanged

chomp doesn't tamper with the character strings like chop does.  Use
chomp on arrays generated from <STDIN> or not.

o join	creates a simple string from a list of strings, which can then
		be assigned to a scalar variable.

string = join (array);	string is a character string; array is a list (1st 
				element of array is "field" separator for the rest).

$string = join (" ", "this", "is", "a", "character", "string");
# $string contains: this is a character string

@list = ("here", "is", "a");
$string = join (" ", @list, "string");
# $string contains: here is a string

$ cat program23.perl
# A program that converts an array to a string using join
chop (@input);	# or chomp (@input);
$string = join (" ", @input);
print ("$string\n");
$ program23.perl
This is my input

o split	creates an array or a list from a character string

array = split (/pattern/, string);	string is a character string; 
				array is a list; pattern matches the 
				"field" separator in the string).

$string = "words::separated::by::colons";
@array = split ( /::/, $string );
# @array contains the list: ("words", "separated", "by", "colons")

$ cat program24.perl
# A program that does a simple word count
$wordcount = 0;
while ( $line ne "" ) {
	chop($line);	# or chomp ($line);
	@array = split(/ +/, $line);		# + is a reg exp character
						# matches 1 or more of previous
						# character.
	$wordcount += @array;
	$line = <STDIN>
print ("Total number of words: $wordcount\n");
$ program24.perl
Here   is some input.
Here are some more words.
Here is my last   line.
Total number of words is 14
$ cat program25.perl
# A program that reverses the word order of the input file
@input = <STDIN>;
# First reverse the order of words on each line
$currline = 1;
while ( $currline <= @input ) {
	@words = split (/[ \.\!\?]+/, $input[$currline-1] );
	@words = reverse (@words);
	$input[$currline-1] = join(" ", @words, "\n");
# Now reverse the order of the input lines and print them
@input = reverse (@input);
print (@input);
$ program25.perl
This sentence
is in
reverse order.
order reverse
in is
sentence This

44. Debugging Corner: What's wrong here?

$result = @array[4];


@input = <STDIN>;
$currline = 1;
while ( $currline < @input ) {
	@words = split(/ /, $input[$currline]);
	@words = sort (@words);
	$input[$currline] = join (" ", @words);
print (@input);


#! /usr/bin/perl
print 'Enter list of numbers: ';
chomp($in = <STDIN>);
@nums = split(" ", $in);

@sorted = sort @nums;
print "Numbers: @sorted\n";

$totalnums = $#nums;
print "Total number of numbers: $totalnums\n";

45. Perl and the File system: Opening files

o open	To access a file exclusively

open ( filevar, filename );	where filevar is the variable name that perl
 				uses to refer to the file (aka file handle) and
				filename represents the location in the 
				filesystem of this file. open returns a success
				or failure status value

filevar is named by a letter followed by letters, digits, or underscore. 
No reserved words allowed.  By convention, use uppercase letters to
distinguish file variables from other variable names and reserved words.

open (FILE1, "file1");				# relative path specification
open (FILE1, "/home/faculty/katz/file1");	# full path specification

# tells perl that it should open the file, file1 (in the current directory)
and associate it with the file variable FILE1

open can work with three modes: read, write (overwrite) and append.

open(FILE1, "file1"); 			# opens for reading
open(FILE1, ">file1");		# opens for writing
open(FILE1, ">>file1");		# opens for appending

Before using an open file, make sure the open succeeded.
if open returns a non-zero value, the file has been opened successfully
(Boolean Success)
if open returns a zero value, an error has occurred.

test via:

if ( open(MYFILE, "/home/faculty/katz/myfile") ) {
	# what to do if file opened successfully

o Reading from a file

$ cat program26.perl
if ( open(MYFILE, "/home/faculty/katz/myfile") ) {
	$line = <MYFILE>;
	while ( $line ne "" ) {
		print ($line);
		$line = <MYFILE>;
$ program26.perl
line 1
line 2
line 3

o die	Terminating a program and sending a message to STDERR

die (message);	The program terminates immediately and an (error)
 			message is printed.

$ cat program27.perl
#! /usr/bin/perl
# exercising the right to die
unless ( open(MYFILE, "/home/faculty/katz/myotherfile") ) {
	die ("Cannot open input file '/home/faculty/katz/myotherfile'\n");
#unless ( open(MYFILE, "/home/faculty/katz/myotherfile") ) {
#	die ("Missing input file");
	$line = <MYFILE>;
	while ( $line ne "" ) {
		print ($line);
		$line = <MYFILE>;
$ program27.perl
Cannot open input file '/home/faculty/katz/myotherfile'
# Missing input file at program27.perl line 2

o Reading into Array Variables

@array = <MYFILE>		#entire file contents stored in @array
					# one line per element

o Writing to a File

open (OUTFILE, ">outfile");
print OUTFILE ("Here is an output line.\n");

$ cat program28.perl
#! /usr/bin/perl
# a program which copies one file to another
unless (open(INFILE, "file1") ) {
	die ("Cannot open file 'file1'\n");
unless (open(OUTFILE, "file2") ) {
	die ("Cannot open output file 'file2'\n");
$line = <INFILE>;
while ($line ne "") {
	print OUTFILE ($line);
	$line = <INFILE>;
$ program28.perl

o Merging (Shuffling) two files

$ cat program29.perl
#! /usr/bin/perl
# a program which merges two files with interleaved lines
open(INFILE1, "file1") || die ("Cannot open file 'file1'\n");
open(INFILE2, "file2") || die ("Cannot open file 'file2'\n");
print STDERR ("File 'file1' and 'file2' opened successfully.\n")
$line1 = <INFILE1>;
$line2 = <INFILE2>;

while ($line1 ne "" || $line2 ne "" ) {
	if ( $line1 ne "" ) {
		print ($line1);
		$line1 = <INFILE1>;
	if ( $line2 ne "" ) {
		print ($line2);
		$line1 = <INFILE2>;

$ program29.perl
File 'file1' and 'file2' opened successfully.

o Closing files (Done automatically at end of program)

close (filevar);	File variable filevar indicates what file is being closed.

open (MYFILE, ">file1");
print MYFILE ("Here is line 1.\n");	# to file1
open (MYFILE, ">file2");	# MYFILE is closed automatically first
print MYFILE ("Here is another line1.\n");	# to file2
close (MYFILE);		#MYFILE is closed explicitly

46. File Test Operators 

	-x expr	where x is an alphabetic character; expr is an expression

	-b		Is expr a block device? Non-zero status if true
	-c		Is expr a character device?
	-d		Is expr a directory?
	-e		Does expr exist?
	-f		Is expr an ordinary file?
	-g		Does expr have setgid bit set?
	-k		Does expr have its sticky bit set?
	-l		Is expr a symbolic link?
	-o		Is expr owned by user?
	-p		Is expr a named pipe?
	-r		Is expr a readable file?
	-s		Is expr a non-empty file?
	-t		Does expr represent a terminal?
	-u		Does expr have setuid bit set?
	-w		Is expr a writable file?
	-x		Is expr an executable file?
	-z		Is expr an empty file?
	-A		How long since expr accessed?
	-B		Is expr a binary file?
	-C		How long since expr's inode accessed?
	-M		How long since expr modified?
	-O		Is expr owned by the real user only? (logged in user)
	-R		Is expr readable by the real user only?
	-S		Is expr a socket?
	-T		Is expr a text file?
	-W		Is expr writeable by the real user only?
	-X		Is expr executable by the real user only?

$ cat program30.perl
#! /usr/bin/perl
# a program tests for file existence before writing to it
open(INFILE, "file1") || die ("Cannot open file 'file1'\n");
if ( -e "outfile") {
	die ("Output file outfile already exists.\n");
open(OUTFILE, "file2") || die ("Cannot open file 'file2'\n");
# Alternatively:
#open (INFILE, "file1") && !( -e "outfile") && 
# open(OUTFILE, ">outfile") || die("Cannot open file\n");
$line = <INFILE>
while ($line ne "") {
	chop ($line);
	print OUTFILE ("\U$line\E\n");
	$line = <INFILE>;
$ program30.perl

47. Output Global Variables

Three Global variables affect how lists can be output.

$,		This variable, null by default, is the Output field separator. It contains the 
		characters to print inbetween list elements.
$\	This variable, null by default, is the Output record (line) separator. It contains
		characters to print at the end of a list.
$"		This variable, single space by default, is like the Output record separator.  However,
		it specifically affects list variables interpolated inside strings.
Printing bare lists:
	$ perl -e 'print(1,2,3);'
	$ perl -e '$, = "*"; $\ = "\n"; print (1,2,3);'
	$ perl -e '$" = "#"; $\ = "\n"; $, = " "; @var = (a,b,c,d,e); print (0,"ABC@{var}DEF",1);'
	0 ABCa#b#c#d#eDEF 1

Questions? Robert Katz:
Last Update January 27, 2000