Perl V5.0 Introduction Part 1

Week 1 Contents

Link Description Commands used
Perl invocation How perl is called from the shell perl scriptname
Perl Script template Basic file for creating perl secripts
Scalar Variables Numbers and Strings, expressions, Naming Convention, examples $var = value; chop(), chomp(), print()
Conditional Control Structure if syntax, examples if (expr) {
expr true block
Comparison Operators List of numerical & string Operators  
Other if variants if-else, if-elsif-else syntax, examples, conditional expressions if (expr) {
expr true block
else {
expr false block
if (expr) {
expr true block
elsif (expr2) {
expr2 true block
else {
all exprs false
Iterative Control Structure while, until syntax, examples,
conditional expressions
while (expr) {
expr true block
until (expr) {
expr false block
debugging 1 A debugging exercise  
Scalar Data Numbers and Strings, examples,Symbolic Formats  
debugging 2 Another debugging exercise  
Operator Precedence Table Operator Precedence and associativity  
Scalars and Literals More on Scalar Data  

1. Perl=Practical Extraction and Report Language by Larry Wall
	o Sits within C Language and Shell, awk and sed programs
	o Adaptable to mixed languages: sql, tk/tcl, C
	o Is network aware
	o System Administrators Tool

2. Selected Command line Options:
	$ /usr/bin/perl [-cdnpvw] [-Dlist] [-e commandline (one per -e)]
		-c	Causes Perl to check the syntax of the script and
		 				then exit without executing it.
		-d	Runs the script under the Perl debugger.  See the
			perldebug manpage.
		-n	Assumes an input loop about your script. Lines are not
		 			printed (like awk or sed -n)
		-p	Assumes an input loop about your script. Lines are not
		 			printed (like awk or sed -n)
		-v	prints the version and patchlevel of your Perl
		-w	prints warnings about identifiers that are 
			mentioned only once, and scalar variables that are
			used before being set.  Also warns about redefined
			subroutines, and references to undefined 
			filehandles or filehandles opened readonly that you
			are attempting to write on. Also warns you if you 
			use values as a number that doesn't look like 
			numbers, using a an array as though it were a 
			scalar, if your subroutines recurse more than100 
			deep, and innumeriable other things.  See the
			perldiag manpage and the perltrap manpage.
		-Dlist  Sets debugging flags.  To watch how it executes 
			your script, use -D14.  (This only works if 
			debugging is compiled into your Perl.)  Another nice
			value is -D1024, which lists your compiled syntax 
			tree.  And -D512 displays compiled regular 
			expressions. As an alternative specify a list of
			letters instead of numbers (e.g. -D14 is equivalent 
			to -Dtls):
		    1  p  Tokenizing and Parsing
		    2  s  Stack Snapshots
		    4  l  Label Stack Processing
		    8  t  Trace Execution
		   16  o  Operator Node Construction
		   32  c  String/Numeric Conversions
		   64  P  Print Preprocessor Command for -P
		  128  m  Memory Allocation
		  256  f  Format Processing
		  512  r  Regular Expression Parsing
		 1024  x  Syntax Tree Dump
		 2048  u  Tainting Checks
		 4096  L  Memory Leaks (not supported anymore)
		 8192  H  Hash Dump -- usurps values()
		16384  X  Scratchpad Allocation
		32768  D  Cleaning Up

		-e cmd May be used to enter one line of script. If -e is
			 given, Perl will not look for a script filename in the
			 argument list. Multiple -e commands may be given
			 to build up a multi-line script. Make sure to use
			 semicolons where you would in a normal program.

3. Template and Sample Program

$ cat
#! /usr/bin/perl
$USAGE = "program1.perl";
# Author: Robert Katz
# Date: January 6, 2000
# Purpose: This is a template for writing perl scripts
# Your commands go under this line.


Be sure to make this program executable and then use it to copy from.

Sample Program:

$ cat program1.perl
#! /usr/bin/perl
# This program reads a line of input and writes the line back out.
$USAGE = "program1.perl";
$inputline = <STDIN>;		# Read a line of input
print ( $inputline );
# END OF program1.perl

$ program1.perl
This is a line of input.
This is a line of input.

4. Statement Rules

(1) Language Tokens (e.g. $inputline, = , <STDIN>, ; ) must have at least 
1 instance of whitespace in between.
(2) New statements always start on a new line.
(3) Comments are signified by starting with a # and ending with a newline.

5. $inputline is a scalar (one valued) variable
	=	is an assignment operator
   <STDIN> 	represents 1 line of input from the Standard input file
	;	is an statement terminator
   print 	is a library function that sends data to the Standard output file
    			( also known as <STDOUT>  in perl )

6. Scalar Variable Syntax
	$ followed by at least one upper or lower case letter, which is then
	 	followed by any number of upper or lower case letters, digits, or _ 

7. Definition Examples using arithmetic operators (+ - * / ):
	$var = 12;
	$var = 103; 
	$name = "input data"; 
	$var = 17 + 12; 			# implies $var = 29
	$var1 = 17 + 5 - 3;			# implies $var1 = 19
	$var2 = $var1 * 6; 			# implies $var2 = 114
	$var3 = $var2 / $var1;		# implies $var3 =  6
	$var4 =  6 + 2 * 4; 		# implies $var4 = 14 Multiplying first!

8. Program to convert Miles to Kilometers

$ cat program2.perl
#! /usr/bin/perl
# This program processes a unitless distance as miles and kilometers.
$USAGE = "program2.perl";

print ( "Enter the distance to be converted: \n");
$originaldist = <STDIN>;		# Read a distance value
chop ($originaldist); 			# delete final newline character

$miles = $originaldist * 0.6214;
$kilometers = $originaldist * 1.609;

print ( $originaldist, " kilometers = ", $miles, " miles \n" );
print ( $originaldist, " miles = ", $kilometers, " kilometers \n" );
# END OF program2.perl

$ program2.perl
Enter the distance to be converted: 
10 kilometers = 6.214 miles
10 miles = 16.09 kilometers

9. The chop (and chomp) library functions

chop list   Deletes the last character (usually a newline, if input) on all the
 		elements of the list. Return value is the chopped character.

chomp list   Remove line endings from all the elements of the list. Return
 		value is the total number of characters removed.

10. Perl Expressions
	A Perl Expression is a collection of operators and operands.  Each
	 	expression yields a result, which is the value you get when the Perl 
	interpreter evaluates the expression by performing the specified
	operations. An expression and a statement are different.  A
	statement may contain a perl expression.

Example: 	statement (has a semi-colon)
		($var = 4 * 5 + 3);	#1. subexpression 4 * 5 evaluates to 20
		($var=20 + 3);	#2. subexpression 20 + 3 evaluates to 23
		($var=23);		#3. subexpression var=23 evaluates to 
			result 23 and assigned to var
		($var1 = $var2 = 42; );  #1. subexpression var2=42 evaluates to
						result 42 and assigned to var2
		($var1 = 42; ); 	      #2. subexpression var1=42 
			evaluates to result 42 and assigned to var1

11. Conditional Statements: if
	Format: if (conditional expression) {
			statement block when true
	- Braces are required!
	- Statement block can be null (not useful but legal)
	- if the conditional expression evaluates to non-zero, it returns true
	   and executes the statement block.  Otherwise, if the expression 
	   evaluates to zero, it returns false and control goes to the line
	   after the close brace.

12. Example:

$ cat program3.perl
#! /usr/bin/perl
# This program exercises the simple if statement.
$USAGE = "program3.perl";
print ( "Enter a number: \n");
$number = <STDIN>;		# Read a number
chop ($number); 			# delete final newline character

if ($number) {
	print ("The number is not zero. \n");

print ( "This is the last output of the program.\n" );
# END OF program3.perl
$ program3.perl
Enter a number:
The number is not zero.
This is the last output of the program.

13. Comparison Operators: (all return true or false except <=> and cmp)
	equality comparison operator 				==	
	inequality comparison operator			!=
	string equality comparison operator	 		eq	
	string inequality comparison operator		ne
	Less than comparison operator 			<	
	greater than comparison operator			>
	string less than comparison operator 		lt	
	string greater than comparison operator		gt
	Less than/equal comparison operator 		<=	
	greater than/equal comparison operator		>=
	string less than/equal comparison operator		 le	
	string greater than/equal comparison operator	ge
	numerical comparison operator			<=>  returns  -1,0,1
	string  comparison operator				cmp returns  -1,0,1

14. Other variants: if - else
	Format: if (conditional expression) {
			statement block 1 wben true
		    } else {
			statement block 2 when not true

15. Example:

$ cat program4.perl
#! /usr/bin/perl
# This program exercises the if-else statement.
$USAGE = "program4.perl";
print ( "Enter a number: \n");
$number1 = <STDIN>;		# Read first number
chop ($number1); 			# delete final newline character
print ( "Enter another number: \n");
$number2 = <STDIN>;		# Read second number
chop ($number2); 			# delete final newline character

if ($number1 == $number2) {
	print ("The two numbers are the same. \n")
} else {
	print ("The two numbers are different. \n")
print ( "This is the last output of the program.\n" );
# END OF program4.perl
$ program4.perl
Enter a number:
Enter another number:
The two numbers are different.
This is the last output of the program.

16. Other variants: if - elsif - else
	Format: if (conditional expression 1) {
			statement block 1 wben true
		    } elsif (conditional expression 2) {
			statement block 2 when true
		    } elsif (conditional expression 3) {
			statement block 3 when true
		    } [ else {
			statement block 4 when all false
		    } ] 

17. Example:

$ cat program5.perl
#! /usr/bin/perl
# This program exercises the if - elsif - else statement.
$USAGE = "program5.perl";
print ( "Enter a number: \n");
$number1 = <STDIN>;		# Read first number
chop ($number1); 			# delete final newline character
print ( "Enter another number: \n");
$number2 = <STDIN>;		# Read second number
chop ($number2); 			# delete final newline character

if ($number1 == $number2) {
	print ("The two numbers are the same. \n")
} elsif ($number1 == $number2 + 1) {
	print ("The first number is greater by one. \n")
} elsif ($number1 + 1 == $number2) {
	print ("The second number is greater by one. \n")
} else {
	print ("The two numbers are different. \n")
print ( "This is the last output of the program.\n" );
# END OF program5.perl
$ program5.perl
Enter a number:
Enter another number:
The second number is greater by one.
This is the last output of the program.

18. Iteration Statements: while
	Format: while (conditional expression) {
			statement block when true
	- Braces are required!
	- Statement block can be null (not useful but legal)
	- if the conditional expression evaluates to non-zero, it returns true
	   and executes the statement block.  When execution is complete, it
	   jumps back to the conditional expression and reevaluates it.  
	   Otherwise, if the expression evaluates to zero, it returns false and 
	   control goes to the line after the close brace.

19. Example:

$ cat program6.perl
#! /usr/bin/perl
# This program exercises the while statement.
$USAGE = "program6.perl";
$done = 0;
$count = 1;
print ( "This line is printed before the loop starts. \n");

while ($done == 0) {
	print ("The value of count is", $count, "\n");
	if ($count == 3) {
		$done = 1;
	$count = $count + 1;
print ( "Beyond the end of the loop.\n" );
# END OF program6.perl
$ program6.perl
This line is printed before the loop starts.
The value of count is 1
The value of count is 2
The value of count is 3
Beyond the end of the loop.

20. Iteration Statements: until
	Format: until (conditional expression) {
			statement block when false
	- Braces are required!
	- Statement block can be null (not useful but legal)
	- if the conditional expression evaluates to zero, it returns false
	   and executes the statement block.  When execution is complete, it
	   jumps back to the conditional expression and reevaluates it.  
	   Otherwise, if the expression evaluates to non-zero, it returns true 
	   and control goes to the line after the close brace.

21. Example:

$ cat program7.perl
#! /usr/bin/perl
# This program exercises the while statement.
$USAGE = "program7.perl";
print ( "What is 17 times 26? \n");
$correct_answer = 442;
$input_answer = <STDIN>;
chop ($input_answer);
until ($input_answer == $correct_answer) {
	print ("Wrong! Keep trying! \n");
	$input_answer = <STDIN>;
	chop ($input_answer);
print ( "You got it! \n" );
# END OF program7.perl
$ program7.perl
What is 17 times 26?
Wrong! Keep trying!
Wrong! Keep trying!
You got it!

22. Debugging Corner: What's wrong here?

#! /usr/bin/perl
$value = <STDIN>;
if ($value = 17) {
	print ("You typed the number 17. \n");
else {
	print ("You did not type the number 17. \n");
#! /usr/bin/perl
# program which prints the next five numbers after
# the number typed in.
$input = <STDIN>;
chop ($input);
$input = $input + 1			# start with next number
$input = $stop + 5				# and loop 5 times
until ($input == $stop) {
	print ("The next number is ", $stop, "\n");

23. Scalar Values	(one unit of number or string data)

	Integer constants (Integer literals) = 1 or more digits, optionally with
		a minus sign

	$x = 12345;
	$x = 012345; 	# Octal integer if leading 0
	$x = 0x12345; 	# Hexadecimal integer if leading 0x

24. Example

$ cat program8.perl
#! /usr/bin/perl
# This program exercises the integer limits.
$USAGE = "program8.perl";
$value = 1234567890;
print ("First value is ", $value, "\n");
$value = 1234567890123456;
print ("Second value is ", $value, "\n");
$value = 12345678901234567890;
print ("Third value is ", $value, "\n");
# END OF program8.perl
$ program8.perl
First value is 1234567890
Second value is 1.23456789012346e+15
Third value is 1.23456789012346e+19

25. Scalar Values	(one unit of number or string data)

	Floating point values = 1 or more digits, optionally with
		a minus sign, decimal point, and/or a power of 10 exponent
		(denoted e or E) followed by an optionally signed 1 to 3 digit


26. Example

$ cat program9.perl
#! /usr/bin/perl
# This program exercises the integer limits.
$USAGE = "program9.perl";
$value = 34.0;
print ("First value is ", $value, "\n");
$value = 114.6e-01;
print ("Second value is ", $value, "\n");
$value = 178.263e+19;
print ("Third value is ", $value, "\n");
$value = 12345678901234567890000000000000000000000;
print ("Fourth value is ", $value, "\n");
$value = 1.23e999;
print ("Fifth value is ", $value, "\n");
$value = 1.23e-999;
print ("Sixth value is ", $value, "\n");
# END OF program9.perl
$ program9.perl
First value is 34
Second value is 11.46
Third value is 1.78263e+21
Fourth value is 1.23456789012346e+40
Fifth value is Infinity
Sixth value is 0

27. Scalar Values	(one unit of number or string data)

	text = 1 or more characters in a string consisting letters, digits,
	 		spaces and/or special characters
	Literal string via single quotes. (\' and \\ can be processed)
	Equivalent is: q/abc/ to 'abc'

	Scalar variable substitution is supported via double quotes.
	equivalent is: qq/abc/ to "abc"
	$number = 11;
	$text = "This text contains the number $number.";

	Undefined variables are assumed to be initialized as Null.

	Escape Sequences: 
	\a	Bell		\b	Backspace	\cn	The <Ctrl+n> Character
	\e	Escape (del next char)	\f	Form feed	\l	Next letter to lowercase
	\L	Rest lowercase	\n	Newline	\r	Carriage Return
	\t	tab			\u	Next letter to uppercase	
	\U	Rest Uppercase	\v	Vertical tab	\033	Octal (\nnn)
	\x1b	Hexadecimal (\xnn)	/E 	Escape: Ends a /L, /U or /Q
	\Q	adds \ to end of each word

	$a = "T\LHIS IS A \ESTRING";	# same as "This is a STRING"

	$result = 14;
	print ("The value of \$result is $result. \n");
	The value of $result is 14.

28. Examples

$ cat program10.perl
#! /usr/bin/perl
# This program exercises the Escape sequences.
$USAGE = "program10.perl";
print ("Enter a line of input: \n");
$inputline = <STDIN>;
print ("uppercase: \U$inputline\E\n");
print ("lowercase: \L$inputline\E\n");
print ("as a sentence: \L\u$inputline\E\n");
# END OF program10.perl
$ program10.perl
lowercase: this is in lowercase.
as a sentence: This is in lowercase.

$ cat program11.perl
#! /usr/bin/perl
# This program exercises the conversion of numbers and strings.
$USAGE = "program11.perl";
$text = "This is a string on
two lines";
print ("text value is $text \n");
$string = "43";
$number = 28;
$result = $string + $number;
print ("43 + 28 result is $result \n");

print ("Enter a number ");
$number = <STDIN>;
chop ($number);
$result = $number + 2;
print ("input + 2 result is $result \n");

$result = "hello" + 5;  # "hello" converted to 0
print ("hello and 5 result is $result \n");

$result = "0xff" + 1;   # "0xff" converted to 0, 1.9921875, 255
print ("hex 255 and 1 result is $result \n");

$result = "12O34" - 1;  # "12"oh"34" converted to 12
print ("12O34 less 1 result is $result \n");
# END OF program11.perl
$ program11.perl	# run on HPUX Perl 5.004
text value is This is a string on
two lines
43 + 28 result is 71
Enter a number 23
input + 2 result is 25
hello and 5 result is 5
hex 255 and 1 result is 1
12O34 less 1 result is 11

29. Debugging Corner: What's wrong here?

#! /usr/bin/perl
$inputline = <STDIN>;
print ('here is the value of \$inputline\', ": $inputline");


#! /usr/bin/perl
$num1 = 6.02e+23;
$num2 = 11.4;
$num3 = 5.181e+22;
$num4 = -2.5;
$result = $num1 + $num2 + $num3 + $num4;

#! /usr/bin/perl
$result = "26" + "0xce" + "1";

30. More Operators

Operator Meaning Example
++ -- Auto increment, Auto decrement $x=5; print (++$x)
$x=5; print (--$x)
-> Dereference Operator var[28] = 3; p -> [28];
(29th element reference by $p)
\ Unary reference Operator $p = \@var
(p is a reference to array @var equivalent to $$p[28])
- ~ ! Unary minus, bitwise Unary complement, Unary Negation -14
~14 = -15
! 0 = 1
** Exponentiation 3 ** 3 = 27
2 ** -5 = 0.03125
5 ** 2.5 = 55.9016994374947
=~, !~ Pattern matches; contains or doesn't $a = 1; $a =~ /please/
$a = 1; $a !~ /thanks/
* / % x Multiply, Divide, Remainder, Repetition 3 * 3 = 9
7 / 2 = 3.5
7 % 2 = 1
7 x 3 = 777
+ - . Addition, Subtraction,concatenation "3a"."3b" = "3a3b"
<< >> Shift left, Shift right 36 >> 2 = 9
36 >> 2 = 144
-e -r -w
-x -o -s
-f -d -l
-S -p -b
-u -g -k
-c -t -T
-B -M -A -C
File Test Operators (zero, readable, writable, executable, owned by uid, file type, setuid,setgid,sticky,
interactive tty, Text or Binary file,
modification, access, inode change time)
if ( -e "file1") {
print file1 exists; }
else {
print file1 nonexistent; }
<, <=, >, >=,
lt, le, gt, ge
Inequality Comparison operators 1 < 2; 2 > 1
==, !=, <=>,
eq, ne, cmp
Equality Comparison operators 3 == 3; 2 != 3; $y = $x <=> 10;
print $y; #one of -1, 0, 1 is output
& Bitwise "and" 15 & 7 = 7;
|, ^ Bitwise "inclusive or", "exclusive or" 15 | 7 = 15; 15 ^ 7 = 8
&& Logical "and" $a && $b #true if both non-zero
else false
|| Logical "or" $a || $b #true if either non-zero
else false
.. List range operator (1..10) # list of integers 1 thru 10 inclusive
? : Conditional operator $r = $a == 0 ? 14 : 7;
# (r=14 if a==0 is true else r=7)
= Assignment operator $a = 4;
**= Compound assignment operators $a **= 4; # a gets result of $a to 4th power
*=, /=, %= Compound assignment operators $a *= 4; # a gets result of 4*$a
+=, -= Compound assignment operators $a += 4; # a gets result of 4 + $a
&=, |=, ^=, Compound assignment bitwise operators $a = 15; $a &= 7;
a gets result of 15 && 7 = 7
>>=, <<=, Compound assignment
shift operators
&&=, ||=, Compound assignment
logical operators
.=, x= Compound assignment
concatenation, repetition operators
, Comma operator $val = 26;
$r = (++$val, $val + 5);
# r gets 32 via 26 to 27 to 32

31. Scalars and Literals

Questions? Robert Katz:
Last Update March 5, 2003