Instructor: Robert Katz Class: 6:30PM - 9:30PM (Mondays) Electronic Mail: or Office Hours: 6:00 - 6:30PM (Saturdays), or by appointment Lab Building 30 Hours: Mon-Thurs: 6:45AM-10:15PM; Fri: 6:45AM-4:45PM, Sat: 7:45AM-4:45PM & Sun: 4:45PM-9:45PM Course Goals: (1) To help you think consciously and effectively, (2) To increase your knowledge of Perl in the context of UNIX point of view, (3) To learn concepts, techniques of developing Perl command lines and scripts. What is expected of the Students: (1) To interact with the UNIX operating system (System V Release 4.x) and Perl using the syntax, structure, semantics and constructs of its commands and facilities. (2) To analyze and devise solutions to problems capable of solution using the UNIX operating system and Perl. (3) Participate in Homework, Laboratory Assignments, Class Discussions, a Midterm and Final Examination. Prerequisite: Knowledge of any Programming Language; Completion of Introduction to UNIX (CIS 215) or the equivalent. Grades: Grades will be assigned as follows, based on a weighting of 60% for assignments and a 40% formula for exams:
Percentage | Grade | Decimal | Percentage | Grade | Decimal | |
[93%-100%] | (3.9-4.0) | [73%-76%] | (1.9-2.1) | |||
[90%-92%] | (3.5-3.8) | [70%-72%] | (1.5-1.8) | |||
[87%-89%] | (3.2-3.4) | [67%-69%] | (1.2-1.4) | |||
[83%-86%] | (2.9-3.1) | [63%-66%] | (0.9-1.1) | |||
[80%-82%] | (2.5-2.8) | [60%-62%] | (0.7-0.8) | |||
[77%-79%] | (2.2-2.4) | [0%-59%] | (0.0-0.6) |
Grades of P, W, I, V, and Z will be assigned in accordance with policies outlined in the college catalog. Final Grade: (.25)*[Final Exam Score] + (.15)*[Midterm Exam Score] + (.60)*[Laboratory Assignments Average] Note: If you answer an assignment or exam question partially, you may get partial credit. Unless directed, however, you are not, in general, rewarded for: (1) substituting your own question and answering it, or (2) leaving a question unanswered or (3) not showing your thinking process (e.g.: via comments) Required: Text: Randal L. Schwartz and Tom Phoenix, Learning Perl, 3rd Ed. O'Reilly & Associates, 2001, ISBN: 0-596-00132-0 Optional: (1) Larry Wall, et al, Programming Perl, 3nd Ed. O'Reilly & Associates, 2000, ISBN: 0-596-00127-8 (2) David N. Blank-Edelman, Perl for System Administration, O'Reilly & Associates, 2000 ISBN: 1-56592-609-9 (3) Nathan Patwardban et al, Perl In A Nutshell, 2nd Ed., O'Reilly & Associates, 2002 ISBN: 0-596-00241-6 Lab Rules: There will be no smoking, drinking, or eating in the Lab. There may be other rules, too. Assignments: There will be Three (3) Laboratory Assignments. (See assignment sheet). The last time to hand assignments in is the last night of class. with a late penalty. (The dates due for assignments are noted in the course outline.) Tests: There will be two exams: A Midterm and a Final. See the Course Outline for the dates. A makeup Midterm can be taken on the next meeting following the regular Midterm. No makeup Final will be given (except earlier). The Midterm and the Final each will be 2 hours long. Each test is open notes. Comments: Dishonesty, especially in the form of cheating, is detrimental to a Student's personal, ethical, moral, and mental health. It may also lead to failure in this class, when discovered, and possible disciplinary action by Highline Community College.If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability; if you have emergency medical information to share with the instructor; or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please provide the instructor with the Letter of Accommodation you have received from the Office of Access Services. Access Services is located in Building 6 in the Student Development Center.