Assignment Guidelines

1. Log in to your account with your userid and password.

2. Create a directory under your home directory called Assignment1.

3. Copy the 215README1.txt file of Instructions showing the assignment
from your instructor (Located in /usr/teacher) to your Assignment1
directory using cp.  Display the file using cat, more, or less. 

4. Follow the instructions in answering the questions.  Be sure to create and 
save any and all named intermediate files in which the last line of the file 
is your name.  Feel free to consult with me by E-mail if the questions are 
confusing to you.

5. Put the final written answers and any output results in a file named 
Results1.{your initials}, where the last line of the file is your name.

6. Create this file at the onset by copying 215README1.txt to 
Results1.{your initials}. This will capture all the questions. Use
vi (and copy-paste) to insert your answers.

7. When you have completed the assignment and are ready to hand it in,
please E-mail it to me. If you do this over the public internet, you have 
to have your Results1.{your initials} on a non-highline computer 
(such as your home computer system).  In that case, include the file in
the mail message as ascii text, *not* as a formatted attachment.  Mail it to

7a. If mailing your assignment from, mail it using the

	$ mail < Results1.{your initials}


	$ mail rkatz < Results1.{your initials}

8. If you are *not* in an online class, please also make a printed 
copy, preferably using the Unix lp command of the file 
Results1.{your initials} and hand that in to me in person as well.
e.g. When accessing Highline Community College Printers In building 30, 
use the command (where r303 is the printer name in Room 303, Building 30):

        $ lp -d "r303" Results1.{your initials}

9. When other assignments are provided, make other new directories 
(Assignment2, Assignment3, ...) and repeat the above 
procedure analogously.
Questions? Robert Katz:
Last Update September 20, 2005